Monday, September 10, 2012

Meeting Recap: September 6, 2012

(Stillwater, Okla / Posted September 10, 2012) - The Stillwater City Council met for their regular meeting on Monday, September 6, 2012. (View the meeting agenda here)

Proclamations and Presentations -
a. Recognition of Employees with 25 Years of Service.

Approval of Minutes (Regular meeting and executive session of August 20, 2012, and special meeting of August 28, 2012): Council approves 5-0.

Consent Docket - Councilor Cody Scott removes item 'B', Item 'A' was approved 5-0.

Public Comment On Agenda Items Not Scheduled For Public Hearing -
a. Public concerns on city management purchasing increase from $25,000 to $50,000.

Items Removed From Consent Docket - 
a. Scott wants more information on item 'B,' a development agreement for Athletic Village, Phase 2 and authorization of the Mayor to sign the agreement once executed by the Board of Regents. City Manager Dan Galloway explains an ordinance is required to install various types of infrastructure before building on property. This includes easements that include city water/sewer lines running across OSU property. Council approves 5-0.

Public Hearings - 
a. Receive public comments regarding a request for an amendment to a Preliminary Planned Unit Development and Map Amendment to construct a multi-family development at 4599 N. Washington Street. Development Services Director Paula Dennison up to present. Mayor John Bartley wanted information why the Planning Commission wanted a revised traffic study for this development. Dennison explains that they wanted more attention paid to the southern entrance of the development. Also, Galloway further explained that the revised traffic study would be needed with the growing traffic coming in and out of the development out to Washington Street. Councilor Joe Weaver asks if the original zoning of 'commercial' on the front of the property along Washington was going to have curb-cuts for more driveways. Dennison and Planning Assistant Tom Coots stepped up to explain that the original plan did not show anymore driveways to be built. No requests to speak for or against this item. Planning Commission recommends approval 4-0 with increased awareness regarding the traffic study. Council approves item 5-0.
Resolution No. CC-2012-8 - Council approves 5-0
Resolution No. CC-2012-10 - Council approves 5-0

Ordinances (View list of ordinances here) - 

First Reading

Ordinance No. 3197 - Council approves 5-0

Ordinance No. 3198 - Council approves 5-0
Ordinance No. 3199 - Council approves 5-0
Ordinance No. 3200 - Council approves 5-0
Ordinance No. 3201 - Council approves 5-0
Ordinance No. 3202 - Council approves 5-0

Second Reading
Ordinance No. 3186 - Council approves 5-0
Ordinance No. 3191 - Council approves 5-0
Ordinance No. 3192 - Council approves 5-0
Ordinance No. 3193 - Council approves 5-0
Ordinance No. 3194 - Council approves 4-1 with Councilor Pina voting 'no'
Ordinance No. 3195 - Council approves 5-0
Ordinance No. 3196 - Council approves 5-0

Reports from Officers and Boards - 
City Attorney John Dorman - Request for an executive session

Councilor Pina - Dog park is booming with many people going out and enjoying it.

Mayor Bartley - Requests to schedule a public hearing for the next regular meeting on Westwood Neighborhood Parking Overlay. Council approves motion to reconsider the second reading of Ordinance No. 3195 5-0.

City Council meeting recessed, moved into Stillwater Utilities Authority regular meeting.

Approval of Minutes (Regular meeting on August 20, 2012): Trustees approves 5-0.

Consent Docket - No items pulled. Trustees approves 5-0

Adjournment for Stillwater Utilities Authority approved 5-0. Moving into Stillwater Industrial and Redevelopment Authority

Approval of Minutes (Regular meetings of May 7 and June 18, 2012) - Trustees approves 5-0

General Orders - 
a. Quarterly update on the Business Improvement District #1

Executive Session - this will be discussed in open forum. Possible action regarding a development agreement with Stillwater Summit Company, LLC. They are wanting to expand their business. Trustees approve development agreement 5-0. 

Adjournment for Stillwater Industrial and Redevelopment Authority approved 5-0. Reconvene back to City Council meeting.

Executive Session - Council approves 5-0.


Recap by Blake Schaich, Marketing and Public Relations.

Next City Council Meeting is Monday, September 17, 2012 in the Council Hearing Room at the Municipal Building, 723 S. Lewis St.  Click here for agendas. 

Watch the City Council Meetings:  Videos of Stillwater City Council meetings are made available on the City of Stillwater's channel within five days of the meeting. You can watch the meetings live on City of Stillwater Television (Suddenlink channel 23 and AT&T U-verse channel 99).

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