Monday, January 27, 2014

Meeting Recap: Jan. 23, 2014

Note: Items of discussion in this recap includes a link indexed to that portion of the City Council meeting replay. Click on bold headers that are linked to view that portion of the video.

(STILLWATER, OKLA. / Posted Jan. 27, 2014) - The Stillwater City Council met for its regular meeting Thursday, Jan. 23, 2014. (View the meeting agenda here)

Note: Vice Mayor Chuck Hopkins and Councilor Joe Weaver were not present at the meeting.
Pledge of Allegiance
a. Led by Will Rogers Elementary School students Salma Mistarihi, kindergarten, and Teab Mistarihi, second grade.

Proclamations and Presentations
Army Reserve 327th TC Detachment Day
One Book, One Community: Stillwater Reads Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 

Consent Docket
a. Approval of minutes: Regular meeting, Jan.6, 2014
b. Request from Stillwater Public Housing Authority for waiver of the 2014 Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) of approximately $9,900.
c. Bid recommendation for the Stormwater Culvert Replacement/Rehabilitation Project #14STORM01 (CC-14-08)
d. Audit letter of engagement for fiscal year 2013-14 (CC-14-09)
e. Authorize execution of amendment to May 7, 2012 RedFork (USA) Investments Inc., Surface Damages Agreement (Lake McMurtry, Sections 27, 34, Township 20 N, Range 1 East).

Council approved Consent Docket 3-0.

First Reading
b. Ordinance No. 3251: An ordinance amending Chapter 23, Land Development Code, Article V, Use Categories and Limitations, Division 1, Generally, Section 23-96, Definitions; and amending Article VI, Land Use Classifications, Division 5, Industrial Districts, Amending Section 23-160, IL Light Industrial District, and Section 23-161, IG General Industrial District.

Council approved 3-0.

City Council is adjourned; SUA is called to order.

Consent Docket
a. Approval of minutes: Special meeting, Jan. 6, 2014
b. Bid recommendation for sanitary sewer chemical root control services (SUA-14-01)

Trustees approved 3-0.
SUA is adjourned

Recap by Meagan Kascsak, Marketing and Public Relations.


Next City Council meeting is Feb. 3, 2014, beginning at 5:30 p.m. This meeting will be televised.  Click here for agendas

Watch the City Council Meetings:  Videos of Stillwater City Council meetings are made available on the City of Stillwater's channel within five days of the meeting. You can watch the meetings live on City of Stillwater Television (Suddenlink channel 23 and AT&T U-verse channel 99).

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Meeting Recap: Jan. 6, 2014

Note: Items of discussion in this recap includes a link indexed to that portion of the City Council meeting replay. Click on bold headers that are linked to view that portion of the video.

(STILLWATER, OKLA. / Posted Jan. 8, 2014) - The Stillwater City Council met for its regular meeting Monday, Jan. 6, 2014. (View the meeting agenda here)


Note: Vice Mayor Chuck Hopkins was not present at the council meeting due to illness.

Pledge of Allegiance

Led by Eric Ukpaka and Chisara Ukpaka, 4th & 3rd grade students at Will Rogers Elementary School.

Consent Docket

a. Approval of minutes: Regular Meeting for Dec. 16, 2013 and Executing Session for Dec. 16 2014.
b. Environmental Review and Assessment and Request for Release of Funds for the 2013 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG State Small Cities project and authorization for the Mayor to sign the associated documents. (CC-14-05)
c. Authorization for the Mayor to sign annual grant related documents consisting of the 2014 CDBG Citizen Participation Plan, Minority/Women Business Enterprises (M/WBE) Utilization Plan. City of Stillwater Fair Housing Plan, Affirmative Marketing Plan, and Anti-Displacement/Relocation Plan (CC-14-06)
d. 2013/14 Federal Emergency Management Performance Grant contract and authorization for the Mayor to execute the contract documents. (CC-14-01)
e. Bid recommendation for the renovation of 701 E. 12th Avenue (Park Center) property to house the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety (CC-14-04)
f. Grant of electric utility easement to CREC for property located on N. Western Road, north of Lone Chimney Road (CC-14-02)
g. Authorize Mayor to execute easement with The Ranch, an Epworth Living Community, to provide secondary access for emergency purposes (CC-14-03)
h. Award Pavement Reconstruction Project Profession Service contract (CC-14-07)
i. Set February 17, 2014 as date for public hearing to close a portion of a currently in-used utility easement in The Vintage development located at 519 S. Jardot.

Mayor John Bartley requested to pull item "h" off the docket for further explaination from Transportation manager Dr. Jason Peek.

Council approved the consent docket except for item "h" 4-0.

Items removed from Consent Docket

h. Award Pavement Reconstruction Project Profession Service contract (CC-14-07)

Dr. Peek explained to council about the overall process of the pavement management system and how this professional service contract fits into the puzzle. Council approved earlier on to do some rehabilitation on road projects. The item before the council tonight is more of a design contract to hire an engineer to develop plans in time for construction in March 2014.

Councilor Joe Weaver asked if the $4 million that council approved for the pavement management system gets them ahead or on schedule.

Peek said they needed $3.5 million to maintain the condition of roadways, so they are in good shape.

Council approved item "h" 4-0.

General Orders

a. Oklahoma Technology and Research Park Joint Board dissolution

City Manager Dan Galloway briefs the council on the history of this joint board and asks Council support for the dissolution of the Tech Park board.

Council moves to dissolve board 4-0.


First Reading:
a. Ordinance No. 3251 - Council approves 4-0

Second Reading:
a. Ordinance No. 3249 - Council approves 4-0
b. Ordinance No. 3250 has been pulled off the agenda by City Attorney John Dorman

Reports from Officers & Boards

City Manager Galloway - sent memo to council a time table of the upcoming budget season including some public outreach activities.

Mayor Bartley - Councilor Joe Weaver will be on KSPI on Tuesday. New revision to city council radio schedule where the radio interview will fall on the Tuesday after regular city council meetings.

City council is adjourned. SUA special meeting moved to room 2073 in the Municipal Building.


Stillwater Utilities Authority director sits down with trustee members (Vice Chair Chuck Hopkins absent) and gives brief rundown of the various timeline alternatives given to the trustees, as well as price figure comparisons using each timeline. 

No action was taken on this item.


Recap by Blake Schaich, Marketing and Public Relations.


Next Stillwater City Council meeting is Jan. 23, 2014, beginning at 5:30 p.m. This meeting will be televised.  Click here for agendas

Watch the city council meetings:  Videos of Stillwater City Council meetings are made available on the City of Stillwater's channel within five days of the meeting. You can watch the meetings live on City of Stillwater Television (Suddenlink channel 23 and AT&T U-verse channel 99).